Sunday, December 16, 2012


no, that isn't a typo. this time it's on purpose. but some time last week, or perhaps two weeks ago now, i accidentally hit the "c" instead of the "g" when signing in to my account. and upon seeing this i smiled. rebecca clio could. i'd never noticed the potential for this before. yes, i liked it, and immediately took it further to "rebecca clio can."

perhaps it was no accident, this typo of mine. perhaps it was a message, a reminder, at just the right time. a time when going back and forth between excitement/inspiration regarding my self-imposed deadline to finish writing a book by the end of the year and some lack of discipline and doubts or confusion about exactly how i was going to pull this off. wondering if i should forget about this self-imposed deadline. just enjoy. just have fun.

but doing what? making myself write? allowing the words to come? or allowing these distractions? and that's when it happened. "rebecca.clio.could rebecca clio can."

and so that's my new motto. a step up from the little engine's "i think i can." i did love that book growing up. but let's cut out the thinking part. let's go straight for the knowing. or even another step further, directly to the am.

i am doing this. i am a writer. i am focused. i am disciplined. i am enjoying the process. i am achieving my goals. i am having fun.

that sounds pretty good to me! but there's still something about "rebecca.clio.could, rebecca clio can" that i like. perhaps because it's sing song-y. or perhaps because it just makes me smile and laugh, and that's relaxing. and when relaxed the words flow. everything flows and just is what it is. no need to question if it all makes sense. no need to make it perfect. at least not yet.

© 2012 Rebecca Clio Gould. All rights reserved.