Monday, December 23, 2013

Meeting My Inner Physician

Just stumbled upon this, something I wrote a few years ago, about a SomatoEmotional Release session in which my "inner physician" revealed herself to me in some surprising ways, personified rather than just a voice from within:
SomatoEmotional Release is something that may or may not occur spontaneously during a CranioSacral Therapy session. Sometimes the body stores emotions and memories, holding onto pain, trauma, or harmful beliefs. This therapeutic approach combines a light and gentle bodywork along with some energywork and dialoguing. For example, if there’s an energy blockage in the knee, the therapist might speak directly to the knee and ask for a reply. The client is to say whatever words surface, without discounting it as merely imagination, but to really allow it to be a message coming directly from the knee. This could also be thought of as receiving a message from the higher Self or what’s referred to as the “inner physician.” And sometimes the higher Self or inner physician is addressed directly to begin with.

So in this session, I’m lying on the massage table, on my back, fully clothed, as per usual. The therapist lightly placed his hands on various parts of my body to check the rhythm of my fluids. Then he assessed my “vectors” which is like a way of assessing energetic alignment in my legs, hips, and arms. He did this whole assessment pretty quickly and then immediately got to work.

I don’t even remember where he placed his hands at first, but the first thing I felt was the strong sensation of a wall in my chest. A brick wall. Eventually it turned more into a sort of tile flooring. Suddenly flashes of myself as a baby and toddler, sitting in the old kitchen, and then in my grandparents’ kitchen, came flashing through my mind. I started crying. My mind recognized these images as being from photographs or videos and couldn’t figure out the why of these images and the crying.

When the therapist checked in with my inner physician, first he had me go to a “safe place,” to imagine going to this place: the grassy lawn on a cliff, overlooking the ocean, with a willow tree and a bench. I’d been there before, but only in my mind, for work like this.

He encouraged me to invite my inner physician to meet me there. I saw an image of an old woman. I couldn’t handle her resemblance to me, and so she immediately morphed into an even older, cartoonish, witch-like figure. Possibly even one I’ve actually seen in a cartoon.

     And I felt fear.

I was scared.

I was scared of this all-knowing, magical woman.

I was scared of the power within myself.

My conscious mind recognized that this woman was really me, but my fear had turned her into a scary witch. Hard to trust.

     But I did trust.

I settled down into a trusting state.

The therapist started speaking to her directly, after first asking permission from me and from her. He asked her her name. The name that came to me instantly caused me to laugh, and my inner physician spoke through me:

     “My name makes Rebecca laugh.”

     “What is it?” he asked.


I was laughing more. Mostly laughing at my mind for creating this witch and this witch-like name, but trusting that it was serving a purpose.

Helga would look at me with love and tenderness, tears in her eyes and a smile, knowing all I’ve been through and all that I am going through.

I’m trying now to remember the first thing that released that allowed Helga to transform. I don’t remember, but at some point she started getting younger and younger and looking more and more like me again. By the end of the session, Helga had transformed into a sultry forty-something version of me, wearing a slinky black dress, smoking a cigarette.

That was my inner physician?

Apparently so.

It still cracks me up, that final image. An inner physician who smokes? I could psychoanalyze and speculate, but every time I've ever started to over the past 4 years, instead I just laugh, and the laughter short circuits that part of my brain that wants to explain. So let's just leave it at that.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Today at Dance

Today at dance I experienced the kind of playful, sweet, fun, connection and intimacy on the dance floor I always long for. In the past I'd be wary, only dance with a select few. But today, I say, not anymore; that pattern is through! Today, I let go. I let go even more. I opened. I played. And one sweet partner after another kept coming my way. From rolling around on the ground to eye gazing and the longest embrace, today at dance I embodied Love, joy, and grace.

I used to fear getting too close. But is there such a thing as too close? Not if you know yourself well and are in touch with your feelings. Not if you don't fear. Not if you have no agenda other than enjoyment and presence. Not if you're a hollow reed being guided by pure Love energy flowing through.

I used to hesitate, armor, withhold, isolate. It's not the closeness I feared, but rather what might come next. Will I get hurt? Physically or otherwise? Will there be some expectation or unwanted advance? On my part or his? When all I really wanted to do was dance. Dance and connect, feel and be felt, see and be seen, touch and be touched.

That used to be me on the dance floor, and sometimes even off, guarded and questioning. But recently I've been hearing these words, "I am a big body of Love," repeatedly in my head thanks to Sheng Zhen; these words are now being used as sort of a mantra to enter into this state of Unconditional Love. And they're powerful words; I'm feeling the Sheng Zhen spirit even more strongly than ever before.

And so I'm ready for something greater, something bigger; no more shrinking away; it's time to expand and practice what I preach. I say it in class all of the time, "open your Heart, let go, enjoy the movements, enjoy your life." It's all so simple. Just let go and open. Take each moment moment by moment. Stop anticipating. Just see what arises. If something's unwanted, respond clearly, with kindness. And with Love. Remaining open. Knowing there's no need to close, but simply to express the yes's as well as the no's.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Crucify the Prudes!

It was a typo, I swear. Auto-correct actually. But how does my smart phone know me well enough to come up with such a Freudian slip of an auto-correct?
I was trying to write "it was a low productivity day," but instead it came out "it was a low prude crucify day." At first I thought it was just a funny auto-correct, but then it hit me just how perfect it was since my reference to "low productivity" referred specifically to not working on my book.

While I'm not an advocate of crucifying anyone, I do view prudishness as associated with the lower levels of consciousness, something that stems from fear and mis-information and serves no purpose other than feeding the ego with judgments and self-righteousness and therefore harming the True Self and society at large. Being prudent is one thing; being a prude is another. And although the origin of the word "prude" was not always associated with being conservative specifically in regards to sex, we all know that now it is. I'm not going to get any deeper into semantics here though; surely there are already books out there about this.

Now, you might be wondering what my book is about. It's not about crucifying prudes. But it is about desire, curiosity, sexual healing, intimacy, and the female body. So although my book isn't about crucifying prudes, it is a book that most likely will make prudes uncomfortable. In fact, even if you're not a prude or don't consider yourself one, it just might make you uncomfortable too. And that's part of the whole purpose of writing what I'm writing. Let's see what makes us uncomfortable, what's hard to read or speak out loud or picture or do. And rather than run from it, let's get familiar with it, intimately familiar. Get over the taboo or discomfort so that we can live fully and truly without the repression of ignorance and shame, especially when it comes to sexuality and sex. Sex is, after all, the origin of us all. We wouldn't be here without it.

Because of some of my familial and community ties, I've been keeping pretty quiet about what my book's about and where I stand on such an important aspect of life. But how hypocritical is that? Time to come out of the closet on this.

AND? This blog post is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of me expressing myself. Feel free to jump ship or shut your eyes, but I encourage you instead to stay with eyes wide open and in anticipation of what's coming next.
I'd also say I hope that even just this didn't make you uncomfortable, but if it did, in the great words of Madonna, "Oops! I didn't know I couldn't talk about SEX....And I'm not sorry."

Down with all taboo.

 [UPDATE 11/10/16: This blog entry is from before I even though of The Multi-Orgasmic Diet! ;) And now, The MOD is out in the world. You can get it here.  ]

Human Nature - Madonna from sueƱos de seda on Vimeo.