Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Yesterday's email

To those of you subscribed via email, not sure why those two old entries from 2010 showed up in our inboxes: Coming back to me and How to Have Fun.  I have been reading through my old posts little by little, so maybe I accidentally clicked something that did that, but those were not two of the posts I read, so it's a mystery to me. Perhaps divine timing?

It was a powerful time of learning and growth when I wrote those, especially through embodiment practices. Perhaps yesterday's email came to remind me of some of the things I've already learned but sometimes forget, such as "people's tendency to lose themselves when in relationship. To sacrifice authenticity for communion. One of the workshop leaders suggested using breath to help ourselves come back to ourselves. Inhale into self, exhale and connect with the other. Inhale, coming back to self. Exhale, extending self to other. Inhale, I see myself. Exhale, I see you too. Inhale, checking back in with self. And so on... "  This reminder of this particular exercise comes at a perfect time for me, as recently I've been learning all about and practicing staying grounded and strongly rooted in my own energy when interacting/connecting with others.

It occurs to me that this email may also have come to show me that I'm doing well remembering and practicing some of those things I figured out back then, such as "I acknowledge that sometimes I am too busy thinking about what I've lost to appreciate what I still have."   This certainly is no longer an issue. Hallelujah! I've got the gratitude practice and abundance mentality down. I think this can be attributed not only to that realization I had back in 2010 but also all that I've learned about the power of the mind, the power of belief, the power of thoughts plus emotions AND gratitude practices, like a weekly gratitude circle and the 90 day challenge I'm currently participating in that involves listing daily all gifts received. I've come a long way in seeing more clearly just how blessed I am, and appreciating the abundance that comes into my life in so many different forms. And for that I am grateful!

Those two examples are just from Coming Back to Me. How to Have Fun was simply a fun read! And that is that. Until next time...

© 2012 Rebecca Clio Gould. All rights reserved.

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