Wednesday, July 11, 2012

One of THOSE People

I've become one of those people. One of those people who drives worse in the sun than in the rain. And by worse, I mean under the speed limit and for no good obvious reason.
I never even noticed this about Seattle drivers until this past year. I'd find myself sort of laughing at them and wondering if they're blinded by the sun, or distracted by looking around at what a beautiful day it is, or just in shock and disoriented so not functioning properly. I figured it was probably some combination of factors. But whatever it was, I didn't like it, at least not if I was in a hurry.

So recently when I found myself driving only 52 mph on the I-90 bridge, I couldn't believe it. My jaw dropped. And then I laughed at myself, "I've become one of them!" And what I realized was that it was a combination of things. I was distracted by the blue sky AND feeling a different type of happiness and peacefulness that included simply not caring about getting anywhere right on time. Actually, "not caring" isn't actually the right way to put it. Perhaps it was more about just being in the present, living in the now. Not being so focused on where I was going and when I needed to get there. But just enjoying the drive and the scenery. 

And realizing that now, I'm thinking that maybe it's not so bad being one of THOSE people who drive under the speed limit when there's no traffic. Maybe we're actually driving better, not worse. Why not take more time getting from point A to point B? Just leave earlier, when possible. Take more time to take in your surroundings and enjoy the journey. And drive in the slow lane if you're going to drive under the speed limit. Yes, Seattle-lites. There is such a thing. It's the lane the farthest to the right. Use it! And I will too, now that I'm one of you.


© 2012 Rebecca Clio Gould. All rights reserved.

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