Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thank You, Moon

Tonight as I was driving home, the almost-full moon caught my eyes in a way it never has. Or at least I can't remember the last time I looked at it with such awe and wonder. Like a child.

The moon itself was so big and glowing that of course it caught my eyes, but what created such awe and wonder in me? As I stared up at it, I was reminded of just how big the universe is, just how much is out there that we cannot see. I found myself thinking that I've been taking the moon for granted.

And then I found myself wondering what it would be like if instead of the moon we saw another earth, or some other planet, up in the sky. That awe and wonder would always be there upon seeing it, right? Or would we learn to take that for granted as well?

I don't want to take the moon for granted anymore. I want to marvel at the magic that it reminds me of in terms of all the unknown in this universe we live in. The mystery. And the vastness. It puts things in perspective. And I love that feeling of smallness it creates in me; it excites me, and I feel relieved, which helps me relax and merge into the oneness, where I can flow naturally and in a sense actually be the biggest, and best, me I can be.

© 2012 Rebecca Clio Gould. All rights reserved.

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