Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Listen to your rhythm

I asked if she thought I should go ahead and take CranioSacral II in June as planned, or wait awhile longer. She was a T.A. in my January training, and I saw her today for a little practice session and some feedback.

She said that I'm ready for level II. She asked what my heart says.

I said my heart wants to go, but there's another opportunity that's calling me too. I said that technically I could do both, but 1 or the other might be best.

She suggested I check in with my rhythm. My craniosacral rhythm.

She assisted, placing her hands on my shoulders. First I thought of CranioSacral II at Esalen. Second I thought of Qigong in Croatia.

She said Croatia was stronger.

"But perhaps both," she said. There was a strong response to both, but slightly stronger for Crotia.

I thought I knew that I was not going to Croatia. I thought my heart was clearly saying "no, don't go. just stay. stay here. go to esalen, then return home. don't go to croatia. just stay. just stay here."

But something shifted yesterday, and I felt it strongly today too. And then I felt stressed that once again I am trying to decide between 2 workshops, 2 trips.

And then I felt grateful that one my biggest and recurring sources of stress over the past year has been over this type of decision making. WOE IS ME! POOR ME! So many opportunities. So little time!

But why? Why does it have to be so difficult for me to make a decision, why so hard to make a choice?

And then it hit me, today, as I left this CranioSacral session: Maybe I don't need to sacrifice one for the other.

What made me think I do? Concerns about being away from home for too long-- if the concern is about how I would feel regardless of work, fine. But if it's about concerns over my business, I must trust that all will be well despite another 3 week absence.

I ask myself, "What would I do if I didn't have to work? And what would I do if feeling totally free to experience and enjoy life without any worries?"

I would do both. Esalen AND Croatia.

Then again, I asked myself these same questions a few weeks ago, and felt that traveling overseas this summer was not in the cards for me.

SO, the answer is still unclear....

Just as unclear as whether or not to adopt my clients' adorable Puggle puppy!

And that's a whole other factor-- If I adopt a puppy, will that prevent me from traveling? Should it?

Time to load up on Bach Flower Remedies for decision-making issues! Or perhaps it's time for another Gallbladder cleanse.

Or maybe a day of silence. YES! That resonates most. More than asking others for advice. More than taking supplements or cleansing. Just quieting down and listening for my inner wisdom....But knowing me, I'll probably do some combination of asking for advice, taking supplements, cleansing, and some silence! [sigh] Oh, me....

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