Tuesday, April 7, 2009


She said they were going to play Taboo and asked if I was coming over.

"Well I called to say that I'm not coming over, but what's Taboo? Maybe I will come over."

She encouraged me to come over and find out. She sounded excited, and I got swept up in it and said, "Ok!" Why not?

But when I got there and found out what the game was, I realized why not. You have to get your partner to say a word (like "orbit") but without saying a particular list of words (like "earth," "spin," etc), while being timed to see how many cards you can get through. Rather than sounding like fun to me, it brought up a feeling I can only describe as "dread."

I was tired (it was close to my typical bed time) and feeling neither creative nor articulate. We did a practice round, and I did NOT like it one bit. I wanted to like it. I wanted to feel sharp-minded enough to play. But that's not where I was at.

I felt like I was being tested, but didn't know if it was a test for me to say, "Nevermind; I don't want to play," or a test to see if I actually could stay there, play the game, and have some fun. Well it turned out to be somewhat of both. I did speak up and say this wasn't the game for me BUT I'd stay and observe, help with time-keeping. And it turned out to be a lot of fun. I was very content being there but not playing. It was pretty darn entertaining! And maybe next time I'll even want to play. Or not....But I am very glad that I did go to check it out, spoke up about not wanting to play, but stayed and had a great time!

(Thanks again, my pink-sweater soul-sister!) ;)