Sunday, March 29, 2009

Did I do that??

Or was it just a premonition?

Or neither?

All week I was looking forward to a Sunday hike and a game of Scrabble with a guy I haven't seen since June. I wasn't thinking of it as a date. But then he called it that a few days ago. I had mixed feelings about that. And last night, when he hadn't called as he had said he would, to let me know when and where to meet, I felt indifferent. And this morning, as I went for a walk, I wondered if I'd hear from him today, but sort of hoped that I would just be spending the day alone. I trusted that the universe was looking out for me, and that perhaps this hike wasn't meant to be.

When I returned home from my walk, I took a quick shower, and when I came out of the shower, there was a message from him, requesting a rain check. His son had fallen and busted open his chin.

"Uh oh, Did I do that?"
I wondered. I sure hope his son wasn't a pawn in my "manifestation" of not going on this hike or date or whatever the heck is was--- ah, and maybe that's why it's not happening. The lack of clarity and understanding regarding intention. Or maybe it's not happening simply because his son hurt himself! I don't know. But I do know that lately I've been seeing how powerful the mind can be and how important it is to have clear intentions, or at least to be open to receiving that clarity....and to be clear with yourself and others when lacking clarity and/or intention. And maybe sometimes the intention is to have no intention, to just follow your feelings, go with the flow, and see what happens.

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