Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sheng Zhen Qigong marathon Part 4: Jesus Sitting and Standing

Well, I think it's finally happened. I think I've found a friend in Jesus.

I had never practiced Jesus Sitting or Jesus Standing along with the DVD, mostly because-- and this is going to sound very un-sheng-zhen of me, but-- I couldn't stand Jesus's voice. The narrator's voice made me cringe. I can't explain why. But what's important now is that I'm over it. Perhaps all I needed was a dose of Kuan Yin this morning, and 10 days of practicing Jesus Standing, to finally accept this voice without judgment. What a relief that it didn't grate on my nerves and I was able to follow along with the DVD.

I deeply enjoyed Jesus Sitting. Especially the 3rd and final position. The contemplation brought a huge smile to my face, and some laughter.

You are empty in an empty world.

That's my favorite line. It brings a sigh of relief. A lightness. Not an emptiness, but a lightness, a relief. It creates space.

And the feeling it evoked in me reminded me of my laughing fit when a friend said, "there is nothing for you to do, or not do."
nothing to do. nothing to not do. i love it!

As for Jesus Standing, I noticed that there are some slight differences between the DVD and the detailed instruction of how to teach the movements. This reminds me of the importance of going to classes and workshops. Not that I need a reminder; I've been going to as many as I can!

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