Sunday, March 29, 2009

the makeup habit

They say it takes 21 days to break a habit. 3 weeks ago, in addition to giving up scented products, I gave up eyeliner and lipstick, the only makeup I've used for years.


To get more in touch with my inner radiance, my natural beauty, and also to break the makeup habit.

During the first 5 days or so, I felt so naked! But then I began to see less of what was missing (the eyeliner and lip coloring) and more of what was there all along (me and my inner radiance, a softness, and also a vulnerability coupled with strength).

I even went to my high school reunion makeup-free. It was pretty awesome to feel so confident and naturally radiant that I could face the people who were so responsible for inducing my self-consciousness, without using anything to "enhance" my natural beauty!

And that leads me to something important I've discovered. Now that I've broken the habit and gotten more comfortable and familiar with my 100% natural look, I feel that I can, and want to, go back to using some makeup from time to time. To enhance my natural beauty. For fun. As a form of creative expression. As a way of drawing more attention to my eyes and/or lips when giving a presentation. But not because of self-consciousness. And not because it's a habitual part of my daily routine.

So yesterday, before going to teach a 3-hour qigong workshop, I put on some eyeliner and tinted lip gloss for the first time in 3 weeks. And it felt good. Not necessary. But good.

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