Hmmmm, not so sure about that. Mostly not sure because I don't know what "nice" means. But I'm also not sure because that would leave out life's challenges, which provide some of the richest and most important opportunities.
I think challenges can be embraced as opportunities, as soon as they're acknowledged as such. After seeing the opportunity within the challenge, resistance diminishes or disappears, and the challenge becomes less challenging or sometimes it even ceases to be a challenge at all. Or maybe it remains just as much of a challenge, but with a less threatening edge.
Thinking about these words was triggered by an email I sent last night in which I wrote about viewing something as an opportunity rather than as a challenge. But some things are both. No need to force something out of challenge status into opportunity status. They can coexist, and sometimes peacefully so.
Main Entry:
- 2challenge
- Function:
- noun
- Date:
- 14th century
1 a: a summons that is often threatening, provocative, stimulating, or inciting ; specifically : a summons to a duel to answer an affront b: an invitation to compete in a sport2 a: a calling to account or into question : protest b: an exception taken to a juror before the juror is sworn c: a sentry's command to halt and prove identity d: a questioning of the right or validity of a vote or voter3: a stimulating task or problem challenges> 4: the act or process of provoking or testing physiological activity by exposure to a specific substance ; especially : a test of immunity by exposure to an antigen
- Main Entry:
- op·por·tu·ni·ty
- Pronunciation:
- \ˌä-pər-ˈtü-nə-tē, -ˈtyü-\
- Function:
- noun
- Inflected Form(s):
- plural op·por·tu·ni·ties
- Date:
- 14th century
1 : a favorable juncture of circumstances opportunity for rest and refreshment> 2 : a good chance for advancement or progress
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